Language can be considered a facilitator for understanding and a cement for fostering relations. Not for nothing have we been able to develop our societies to a large extent with the help of the written and printed word and growing literacy.

With all the positive effects that language has on human relations, communication and understanding are not limited to the words we speak, read and write.

As an artist, I am fascinated with the relation between provided and interpreted meaning, and the leeway for continuous movement or fluidity, especially with texts and interpreted text.

As a sculptural writer, I am compelled to search for a space where meaning seemingly dissolves, but where instead room is given to a certain multiplicity of understandings.
"Openness to doubt, non-coincidence with our logical framework, are present in life itself. [...] how there could have appeared such fantastical worlds with precise laws, worlds that do not resemble real life at all. For example, [...] the novel. [It] describes life, [...] but it has nothing in common with real time: [...] it is doubtful one can remember even yesterday.
A man is sitting, he has a ship overhead, at least has to be more right than A man is sitting and reading a book."
A. Vvedensky
The socio-historical journey of words and their impact on human relations is something that catches my attention.
|artist statement
'Common understanding' in human relationships is passive and exists through antecedence or activity. The place of logic in this statement is evident: and it is the relationship between that what is logical and that what supersedes logic I find interesting.

Much of what governs human relationships is a result of certain logic or rules.  Much of it isn't.
I look at the processes of existing (movement), the (logical/illogical) effects or consequences, and the leeway of what is possible, whether it be imaginative or real to develop my work.

I am interested in the activity of words and texts through human interference and the consequences and possibilities that are created in an artistic setting. Human speech, interpretation, understanding, discussion, etc. - and the existence of a flowing connection is a constant source of fascination.
My interest in deconstructing, relating, understanding, and turning an acquired understanding upside down is at the core of what I do.

Also artists can|must learn from the past. We can|must |re|read |re|utter |re|frame |re|phrase what was written before us; and what is written amongst us.
Susan Sontag has beautifully captured what I consider an alternative meaning of 'reality check' in the following sentence:

"People want to travel outside themselves. There is a need for vicarious experience that is not necessarily identical with the need for truth. There is a need for fantasy, a longing to see taboos broken. The story-telling of imagination running riot is important."
'multidisciplinary dysfunctionality' is a premise for developing work. Freely interpreted by myself as an insistence on making work that is not functional, examining concepts that are considered either normal or absurd.